Saturday, December 4, 2010


Time for me to share now the lineart of another drawing that I'm currently working on:

 Made based on another drawing by Ismael Alvarez, this is the nude version of such drawing. I said it before and I say it again, Ismael is one of my very favorite artists when it comes to male art, he's simply amazing and I would like to be as good as him, someday.


Alright, I'm not sure this is going to be a good idea but here:

I hope you all like this little edit I made with a picture of Homer Simpson that I found online a long time ago. I'm not attracted to Homer, not even slightly, but I said to myself, what the heck, a picture of Homer Simpson naked will not kill me, and others might like it, so here it is. The original image showed Homer wearing his undies, but when I edited the image I removed his undies as well as other things that I didn't want in the image, then I drew his penis... and I even added a condom on top of the table, can you see it? I'm such a perverted guy! But this is fun, sorry.

Note: I might work on another version of this image soon, adding more stuff.


Here's a little drawing I made:

It's not really the greatest drawing ever but I think it's quite nice, and this is in fact the nude version of a picture I saw a while back on Sometimes I come across some pictures that I like, then you see me drawing the nude version of them, it's a lot of fun, like if you was drawing the nude version of your favorite characters when it comes to anime and/or cartoons. God, I'm so gay! But anyway... here's another drawing I want to share:

That's one I made to practice a bit with realism, a style I hardly use when drawing since I'm more into cartoons. Here I'm sharing the lineart and the colored version, but I'm not showing the finished work b'cause I want to fix a few details first. As soon as I'm done doing that I will let you all see the final image.


Let's have now two wallpapers I created:

The one on the left side shows two male symbols and some Japanese text that means "homosexuality". As for the wallpaper on the right side, I believe it speaks for itself, we have two hearts and the text "I love you" so this is pretty much another work that proves how into love and romance I am.


Omnia vincit amor, salvator mundi et amicus humani generis!


I thought I could share with you these three logotypes I worked on:

Since I'm a homosexual male I wanted to create some logotypes that could identify me as one, and here they are. You might be wondering, how can this identify someone as gay? Well, you just need to have a closer look at these logotypes, then you will notice that they are in fact two male symbols together. I've also had people asking me if the first two logotypes symbolize the penis, you might be wondering the same, so for that I will just say... let your imagination fly.


Here I am sharing with you two images I worked on:

You might think of me as a hopeless romantic, and maybe I am after all, I will not deny it, b'cause love and romance are two things I've been admiring since I'm a little kid, I think they go hand by hand, and now that I'm an adult I still admire them. I don't know about you but I believe that there's nothing sweeter than a cute guy who is romantic, you know, someone who gives you flowers and all that, the thought of it makes me melt like M&M's in your mouth!


I would like to share with you all a drawing I made to practice a bit with coloring, tones and shading:

When I was a kid I had the opportunity to experiment with boys and girls, quite often. Soon enough I realized that I was more into boys, they literally tasted better than girls, so that's the path I chose, to be a gay boy. Thinking about that I decided to make this drawing, b'cause boys taste better.


This is another attempt at realism, this time we have a black male:

 I'm not very pleased with this drawing, I don't know, I feel like something is missing but I don't know what that is. Anyway, a long while back I made a similar drawing, it depicted a black male wearing red clothing. I had that idea b'cause my favorite colors are black and red, so I thought to myself, maybe it will be a good idea to draw a black male wearing red, and I did it, but I lost that drawing so I decided to make a new one, the one I'm sharing now.


Here's another drawing, nothing special of course, but this is an idea that popped into my head and I had to end up drawing it. So, what do we have here? Just a baby boy, a really sexy one actually. The question to be asked now is, who wouldn't like to have a baby like him? Come on, you know you like him, your eyes are shining. Oh... evil me!


Here's a silly drawing I made to show you all the pain I go through when I'm taking a shower, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who has experienced something like this since this is something that happens to everybody, no one can escape it. I guess we will have to end up using those soaps and shampoo products for kids, you know, those that cause no irritation to the eyes. Ha! That will be funny, can you picture yourself using those? 


This is a drawing I made based on one drawing by Ismael Alvarez who happens to be one of my very favorite artists when it comes to male art. Ismael is a great artist, you should visit his page:


Here I am sharing with you two drawings, and these drawings are in fact the renewed versions of two drawings that I made several years ago. I believe that I put more effort in the making of these, so I guess we can say they look much better than the original images. As for the drawing shown on the right side, the Japanese text means "yaoi".